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Q7Dimensions Filters

These filters will allow you to view your team based on the 7 Dimensions, including the global score.

For example, you can filter your team based on the Global Profiling score, and you can choose to see only the team members that are in their area of strength.

Next, based on the Role Pofile, you could see all team members that have a specific role, for example Coordinator in this case.

Under Operating mode, not only can you see your team members based on the operating mode, but you can also filter them based on whether they operate at the level of their role profile, below or above. In the example below you can see all the people in this workspace that operate below their role profile.

With the Competence filter, you can see your team members under any level of competence, but you can also see whose competence is developed (area of strength), needs to be developed (area of attention) or is in area of risk. In this case, we see all team members whose competence is in area of risk.

And the same goes for the rest of the filters: under Performance, Talent Potential, Vision & Values, Attrition Risk and Reward. What’s interesting is that you can combine them together to get a view based on very specific criteria, for example you could filter on people who perform below their role profile and also their performance is in area of risk.

Or, for example you could see who is performing well in your team but is at a high risk of departure by choosing Area of Strength in Performance and Area of Risk in Attrition Risk. An endless number of combinations is possible so you can see exactly what you need.

Updated on: 24/01/2024

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