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Organisation Filters

With the Organisation filters you can see different teams or departments. If you are a manager, many of these won’t make sense because managers can only see their own team members. But these filters can be really useful to someone with access to the whole workspace or a big part of it, so someone with an Owner, Admin or an HRBP access role.

The filter My Team will allow you to quickly see only the people that are directly below you, or in other words the people whose manager you are. It comes very handy if you are for example a CEO and have an owner access to your workspace - so you can see your whole company, but with this tool you can quickly restrict your view to only the people that you manage directly.

My Department comes useful when you have a specific role within your company, but you also have access to either the whole company or a very big part of it. For example, you are a CFO and you are an owner at the portal, but when you use the My Department filter you are going to see only the Finance department.

Department (n-1 only) is another one that can be useful to someone with access to the whole portal or a big part of it. With this filter you can restrict your view to team members that work only in that department but not below. From the illustration underneath, for example if we want to see only team members that are in Sales, we select sales and we won’t see anyone that is in Management, Shop or Online.

While with Department (all below), you can choose Sales, and automatically see Shop, Online and any other subdivisions below them.

With Manager (n-1 only) you can choose to only see the team of one manager (for example, this comes very useful during a Talent review, where using this filter you can select to see only the teams of the managers present, so the team members that will be discussed during the workshop), or include multiple managers to see all their teams (the manager’s own line won’t appear in the view). Here you can find out how to do it.

Manager (all below), similarly as Department (all below) will allow you to see the manager’s own team and all teams below that.

With the filter Is Manager you can see only the lines of the Managers within the workspace. You can then of course, restrict this view to get more specific results, for example see only the managers within the Sales Department.

Updated on: 24/01/2024

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