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Notes - Features

**Bulk selection**

Next to each Note the user will find bulk selection checkboxes. Ticking at least one will open on the right side three feature icons. With bulk selected notes you can

(1) Archive a Note - If Notes become obsolete, they can be put into the archive. Archived Notes do not appear in the default view, but can accessed via the Archive. (2) Forward to presentation view - If specific Notes need to be presented to somebody, the user can select one or many Notes and click on the presentation icon. There, the user will only see the Notes selected for the presentation view. (3) Delete - Deletes selected Notes.

**Expanded view for editing**

Via clicking on a note, it opens a larger detail view of the note. To save changes the user needs to click on “Save”.

**Export to PDF**

When selecting one or multiple notes for presentation view, the user can select one or many Notes to be exported as a PDF.

Updated on: 24/01/2024

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