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Export an individual page of one or multiple team members

It is possible for you to download a PDF file containing all the general and profiling data of a team member (one or multiple). This comes handy when a manager would like to discuss the profiling with a team member without going to the portal and showing the data of the rest of the team.

Go to My Team, click on “Export to PDF” in the upper right corner.

A new window will pop up. Choose “Individual Report”.

From there, you’ll be able to choose whether you would like the report for a single team member or multiple team members at once.

**Single Team Member**

If you wish to download the report for a single Team member, choose the team member from the list, and click “Export”.

**Multiple Team Members**

To download a report for multiple team members, you can select either the direct reports of a manager or everyone below. Make your selection.

Then, select the manager/managers. Click “Export”.

Did you know that you can also export the team scan of your whole team?

Updated on: 24/01/2024

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