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Edit general information of the team members

Sometimes we need to change some information for our existing team members that are already in the portal. There are two ways to go about this:

Do it yourself directly in the portal - this is useful if you need to change only a few team members

Change multiple team members' data via the data collection spreadsheet

**First way: Manually via the Portal**

Go to the individual page of the team member, click on “More” and select “Edit”.

Then select the field you would like to change, for example “Manager”.

Select the appropriate manager from the drop down menu or type the name of the manager in the search field, and click “Save”.

**Second Way: Via the Spreadsheet**

To do this, you can either export a spreadsheet of your team members' data and do all the changes there directly (go to Import&Export→Export Team Member Data), or ask your dedicated CSM to provide you with the file. If you're using the spreadsheet method, please follow these instructions:

New team members - highlight whole row in pink

Modifications with existing team members - highlight changes in yellow

Change/Add departments not existing in the workspace - highlight department names in red

Delete team members - strikethrough the whole row

Check this picture for an example of the modifications:

When your file is ready, you need to send it back to the CSM providing an explanation with all the changes that have been made, so they can import it into the portal successfully.

If you only need to add new team members, but not edit existing ones, learn how to do it here.

Updated on: 24/01/2024

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