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Add New Team Members in your Workspace

When you need to add new team members into your workspace, please consider that there are two ways to do it:

Directly in the portal - convenient if there are a few

Via the Data Collection Spreadsheet - better if there are many

**First Way: Directly in the Portal**

You can do it manually from My Team → Add Team Member.

When adding people manually, only a few information can be entered. Next, you should open the individual page of the team member and click on “More” to add more personal details. This way you make sure your database remains clean and complete.

**Second Way: Via the Data Collection Spreadsheet**

You can also ask Q7Leader to upload the data in your portal via a Team member data file (export the Team member data file via the Import & Export functionality in the side navigation bar. Then open it and add & highlight any new team member data at the end of the existing list of team members).

After this, send it to your CSM with an explanation of the changes, and ask them to upload it into the portal.

Updated on: 24/01/2024

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